
What Units Are Used For Force

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Units of Forcefulness

by Ron Kurtus

A force is a push, pull, or dragging on an object that changes its velocity or direction. A unit of strength is an arbitrary measurement that we designate as "ane" (unit of measurement), so that all other measurements of force are multiples of that unit.

Most often, force is designated as a newton (Northward) in the metric or SI organisation of measurement. The newton has applications in various scientific measurements. There are other units, not used as often.

Questions you may have include:

  • What is the definition of the newton?
  • What are some applications of the newton?
  • what are other units of force?

This lesson will reply those questions. Useful tool: Units Conversion

Definition of newton

A newton is the strength required to give a mass of 1 kilogram (i kg) an acceleration of 1 meter per 2d per 2nd (i m/s2 ). It is abbreviated as N.

This unit of measurement of measurement is in the metric or SI system and is used in scientific piece of work more than other units of force.

1 N is equivalent to 1 kg-m/s2 .

Applications of the newton

The newton combined with other measurements is used in various applications.

Moment of forcefulness

The unit of torque or moment of force is the newton-meter (N-m), where thou is the moment arm.

Energy, work and heat

The newton-meter (N-m) is also the definition of the joule (J), which is a unit of energy. It tin can be seen that the units of kinetic energy Due east = ½mvii are in kilogram-meter2/seconds2 and kg-kii/southward2 = N-yard.

Power and radiant flux

Ability is energy per 2nd or N-thousand/s, with the unit of measurement of watt. This is as well the unit for radiant flux or ability from electromagnetic radiation.


The unit of pressure level is the pascal (P), which is the force per unit area (N-m2 ).

Other units of strength

There are other units of strength, not every bit commonly used as the newton.


A dyne is the strength required to give a mass of 1 gram (1 g) an dispatch of ane centimeter per second per 2nd (i cm/south2 ). 1 N = 100,000 dynes.

You might use the dyne, if working with minor objects.

Poundal and pound

A poundal is the force required to give a mass of 1 pound (1 lb) an dispatch of one foot per second per second (1 ft/sii ). 1 poundal equals 0.1382 newtons.

A pound is the force applied on a mass of 1 pound (1 lb) past the acceleration due to gravity. It is a non-technical unit of measurement of force and is likewise called the weight.

These units of forcefulness are in the English system and are seldom used in scientific measurements.


A force acts on an object to change its velocity or direction. In nigh scientific work, force is designated equally a newton (N) in the metric or SI organisation of measurement. The newton has applications in various scientific measurements. There are other units, non used every bit often.

Exist forceful in your deportment

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