
Common App Essay #6 Examples

Common App Essay Examples

What is the Common Application essay?

We have heard the "Common App" a lot when information technology comes to college admissions. You lot might wonder "what is the Common Awarding essay?" The Common App streamlines the process, which helps to cut down on some of the steps involved in applying to college. Students can submit one application through the Mutual Application to multiple schools at once. You lot won't have to repeatedly enter the aforementioned information (such every bit your personal information, transcripts, etc.) in this way.

Is the Mutual App Required for Higher Applications?

Is the common app required for college applications? "I don't have to use the Common App," is the quick response to the question. Y'all don't have to apply the Common App if the schoolhouse(s) you're interested in applying to accept applications through their websites, though information technology may be more user-friendly to do and then. Some schools will insist on it, and they might not even be options on the Common Awarding.

Using a laptop while on a desk near a window.

On the other hand, some schools might insist that you lot use the Common App, and then it all depends. Before applying, make certain to read the instructions on the website of your desired school.

How to fill out the Mutual App?

Through the online Common  App platform, more than 1 million students employ each year to more than 900 fellow member colleges worldwide. Here'south the steps on how to fill up out the Common App:

Make an account on the Common App.

An e-mail address is all y'all need to get started. In addition to being asked to create a login and password, you'll besides be asked a few brief questions about your identity (parent, teacher, or counselor) and the timing of your higher application.

Young female student typing in her laptop in a squat position.

Verify which colleges on your shortlist accept the Common Application.

The Common App is non accepted by all colleges. Every bit an alternative to using ApplyTexas for Texas colleges, colleges may ask yous to consummate their own application form.

Young woman reading a letter in front of a laptop.

In your Mutual App account, add any colleges you are interested in to the My Colleges list.

Examine the admission details for each institution you are thinking about.

Remember that Common App schools may have different requirements for writing, testing, essays, and letters of recommendation. Practise your homework, delight! Although all colleges will have the aforementioned Common College Awarding, some may accept unlike admission standards.

For example, 1 college might require the Sabbatum, while another might not. In addition to the Common App essay, many schools will ask you to write essays or complete additional college-specific questionnaires.

All of these add together-ons can exist submitted via the Common App dashboard.

Compile the data you KNOW you'll demand.

Most applications will crave you to submit a copy of your high schoolhouse transcript, a list of your extracurricular activities, and details about your parent or guardian's educational and professional person background.

Begin developing your application.

Your awarding dashboard will display all of your colleges as well as the status of each application component. Choose an essay or inspiration from the Common App essay examples, brainstorm filling out the general data, or request a letter of recommendation from your teacher.

Young woman working on something in her laptop.

There is no such thing as an impossible college application chore!

Monitor your application'due south progress

Your Dashboard'due south icons are there to direct you lot. A dark-green cheque indicates that your work has been submitted to the specific college, a yellow circle indicates that your application is even so being processed, and a red dash indicates that the department in question is not necessary for access to that institution.

Send your work!

On the borderline twenty-four hour period indicated in your Common App Dashboard, submit all of your awarding materials no afterwards than 11:59 p.m. (in your local time zone).

2021–2022 Common Application Essay Prompts

The 2021-2022 Common Application Essay Prompts were released last August 1, the year 2021. One of the new topics for the Common Awarding essay reflects the developments that take taken place in the world over the past year.

The COVID-19 Optional Essay

Students may respond to a prompt in the COVID-19 Optional Essay Common App essay prompts 2021–22 that asks them to discuss the pandemic and how it has afflicted them in general. The Covid-19 prompt is meant to help with that. Below are some Common App essay examples and prompts:

The Covid-19 prompt is non meant to serve as a substitute for another essay.

An Essay About Achievement

Prompt: "Talk over an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others."

Here is a college essay prompt from the Common App that might be more enjoyable and intriguing to tackle. In addition to focusing on our successes, it's likewise benign to larn from our mistakes.

Young woman looking happy while sitting on her chair.

Once more, it's best to write in a sensitive, sincere, and moving mode. Make it relatable; this is a man point. Write virtually the activities leading upward to, during, and following a milestone. Furthermore, there is no single definition of success.

Perhaps a unmarried thought served as the impetus for progress. It is up to yous.

To get it going, consider these instances:

  • Consider the crucial moment in your life that made the most positive touch. Write the background to this consequence. Perhaps this incident occurred after achieving a particular objective or realizing something.
  • Consider a goal that you pursued and completed. Create your story based on this incident. Recall the specifics. They are what tie the narrative together. Continue the readers interested.

An Essay About Your Background

Prompt: "Some students accept a groundwork, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their awarding would be incomplete without information technology. If this sounds similar you, then delight share your story."

One of the most intriguing Mutual App essay topics for 2021–22 is this one. Information technology was ane of the Common App essay topics for 2022 and has remained there over fourth dimension. Keep in mind what you only read.

This writing exercise asks you to create personal, sincere, captivating, and salubrious content. This prompt is all nigh you. Tell a story from your life that will assist the admissions committee understand who you are.

Here are some examples for those who might exist a little perplexed:

  • Describe your background and how it has influenced you in your writing. Our upbringing has a significant touch on on who we are. Particularly, childhood plays a significant office in our lives. Our encounters there has a lasting impact on who we are.
  • For those who accept the courage to divulge specifics about what makes them special, go ahead and exercise so. Colleges are interested in learning near your identity and character. Your current personality blazon can signal what value you can contribute.

An Essay About Failure

Prompt: "The lessons we take from obstacles nosotros encounter tin can be central to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did information technology bear on you, and what did you lot acquire from the feel?"

Success is born out of failure.

Female student looking sad while her notes are strewn in the table.

Students are encouraged to write about and share their struggles in these types of Common App college essay prompts, simply there is a caveat. Students must include the silver lining in all of information technology when writing the conclusion to their essay rather than just writing virtually their suffering. The lesson discovered as a result of the hand of cards.

Examples that may come to mind include:

  • A pregnant event in your life that altered its course, either positively or negatively. Although significant setbacks tin can be devastating, they can besides be empowering. Consider a situation that you lot didn't want to occur simply that ultimately helped you find a new or better path.
  • A catamenia in your life when you encountered difficulties and failure while pursuing something or someone. This will give y'all the opportunity to write nigh the lessons y'all had to take away in club to get through your ordeal or accept information technology and move on.Sample Essay about Failure:

I've played baseball ever since I could remember, merely somehow, at fourteen, I still wasn't very good at it. You lot'd call up that 10 years of summer leagues and two older brothers who'd been the stars of their teams would have rubbed off on me, but you'd exist wrong. I mean, I wasn't completely hopeless. I was pretty fast, and I could hitting my oldest blood brother'south fastball maybe three or four times out of 10, but I wasn't most to be scouted for college teams.

My team that summer, the Bengals, wasn't anything special, either. We had one or 2 pretty talented guys, but most, similar me, were just barely what you could call decent. But somehow nosotros'd nigh scraped through the showtime round of playoffs, with merely ane game standing betwixt us and semifinals. Predictably, the game had come down to the last inning, the Bengals had two outs and players on second and tertiary base, and it was my plough at bat.

It was like one of those moments you see in movies. The scrawny kid who no one really believed in hits a miraculous habitation run, winning the big game for his underdog team and becoming a local fable. Except my life wasn't The Sandlot, and any hopes my teammates or passenger vehicle might've had for a last-minute rally to victory were crushed with my third swing-and-miss when the umpire sent me back to the dugout with a "strike three – yous're out!"

I was inconsolably angry with myself. I spent the unabridged machine ride home tuning out my parents' words of consolation, replaying my strike-out over and over in my caput. For the side by side few days I was miserable thinking about how, if information technology hadn't been for me, the Bengals might accept been on their way to a league victory, and zero anyone said could convince me that the loss wasn't on my shoulders.

About a week afterward, some of my friends from the team got together at the park to hang out. When I arrived, I was a piddling surprised that no one seemed to exist mad at me – afterward all, I'd lost us the game, and they had to be disappointed near not making information technology to the semifinals.

It wasn't until we split into teams for an impromptu pickup game that I started to realize why no one was upset. Maybe information technology was the excitement of reaching the playoffs or the pressure of living upward to my brothers' examples, but sometime during that game, I'd lost sight of why most of the states played summer league baseball. It wasn't to win the title, as cool as that would have been. It was considering we all loved to play. I didn't need a trophy or a Hollywood come up-from-backside win to take fun playing baseball with my friends, but maybe I needed to strike out to think that.

Essay About Gratitude

Prompt: "Reverberate on something that someone has done for y'all that has made you lot happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?"

Writing well will help reveal of import aspects of your character in this prompt. It will exist fascinating to observe how you lot behave when y'all are feeling grateful for someone or something they accept done. Information technology tin can provide insight into whether you know how to express gratitude or non, every bit well as whether gratitude by itself is sufficient to alter your beliefs for the improve.

Hither are some illustrations to guide your writing:

  • If you recently received a gift from someone, consider the occasion. Write how it made you experience, whether it was unconditional or not, and whether or non y'all experienced gratitude. Write most your subsequent actions, or lack thereof. Describe how gratitude affects your feelings. If information technology did, describe how you responded by giving them something in return.
  • Consider the most thoughtful thing someone has ever washed for you, and permit this inspiration guide your writing. Write in-depth well-nigh any emotions you may have experienced and shared with this person, and draw both the immediate and long-term effects of this.

Essay About Motivation

Prompt: "Describe a topic, idea, or concept yous find then engaging that it makes you lose track of fourth dimension. Why does it captivate you lot? What or who practice you plow to when you lot want to learn more?"

Young man climbing a rock in a mountain with a backpack.

1 of the Common App essay examples for 2022 asks you to consider the aspects of your life that motivate you to exit of bed in the morning and exist enthusiastic about something. Since that assertion is not binary, a person'southward passion will always vary from i person to the next. There's no need to worry because the answer is comprehensive. Being sincere will help your writing period more easily.

Here are some writing suggestions:

  • Recall a subject area or topic that not only grabs your attending but also affects you profoundly. Write virtually your passion first, then the emotions it evokes. Write well-nigh how you perceive those emotions.

Write about your response to being given this topic. Exercise you talk virtually it in-depth with others? Do you behave additional research to satiate your marvel? Write a contour of a person who has taught you more than about this fascinating topic.

  • Write about why you find a previous person's inspirational idea to be so amazing and how it has influenced you personally.Sample Essay About Motivation

The worst part about writing is putting downwardly my Rubik'due south cube then that I can use my hands to type. That's normally the worst part of tackling my to-do list: setting aside my Rubik's cube. My parents call it an obsession. Merely, for me, solving a Rubik's cube challenges my brain as null else tin can.

It started on my 9th altogether. I invited three friends for a sleepover party, and I waited to open my presents right before bed. Wrapping paper, ribbons, and bows flew through the air every bit I oohed and aahed over each delightful souvenir! However, it was the last gift—a 3 10 3 x three cube of footling squares covered in red, green, blue, yellow, white, and orange—that intrigued me.

I was horrified when Bekka ripped it out of my easily and messed it all upward! I had no idea how to make all the sides lucifer again. I waited until my friends were fast asleep. So, I grabbed that cube and studied information technology under my coating with a flashlight, determined to figure out how to restore it to its former pristine state.

Within a few weeks, I had discovered the secret. To practice, I'd have my cube with me to recess and let the other kids time me while I solved information technology in front of them. The better I became, the more they gathered around. But I soon realized that their attending didn't matter all that much. I loved solving cubes for hours wherever I was: at lunch, riding in the automobile, or lonely in my room.

Cross. White corners. Centre-layer edges. Xanthous cross. Sune and anitsune.

The sequential algorithms became second nature, and with the assist of a petty blackness digital timer, I strove to solve the cube faster, each fourth dimension attempting to beat my previous record. I watched speed solvers on YouTube, like Commonwealth of australia'southward Feliks Zemdegs and Max Park from Massachusetts, but I wasn't motivated to compete every bit they did. I watched their videos to larn how to improve my time. I liked finding new, more efficient means of mastering the essential 78 separate cube-solving algorithms.

Now, I understand why my passion for my Rubik'south cube has never waned. Learning and applying the diverse algorithms soothes my brain and centers my emotions, especially when I experience overwhelmed from being around other people. Don't go me wrong: I like other people—just in doses.

While some people become recharged by spending time with others, I tin finally breathe when I'thou alone with my cube. Our psychology teacher says the difference between an extrovert and an introvert is the situations that trigger their brains to produce dopamine. For me, it's time away, lonely, flipping through cube patterns to set up a new personal all-time.

Sometimes, the world doesn't cooperate with introverts, requiring them to interact with many people throughout the day. That's why you'll oft find me in the stairwell or a library corner attempting to chief another one of the 42 quintillion ways to solve a cube. My parents tease me that when I've "had enough" of anything, my fingers go a Rubik's crawling, and I suddenly disappear. I'm ordinarily occupied for a while, simply when I finally emerge, I feel centered, prepared to tackle my next task.

Secretly, I credit my cube with helping me earn peak marks in AP Calculus, Chemistry, and Physics. It's also responsible for my interest in figurer technology. Information technology seems I simply can't get enough of those algorithms, which is why I want to written report the blueprint and implementation of cybersecurity software—all thanks to my Rubik's cube.

Merely don't tell my parents! Information technology would ruin all the fun!

Subject field-of -Your-Option Essay

Prompt: "Share an essay on whatever topic of your selection. It tin be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your ain design."

It may exist 1 that yous have already written, 1 that answers some other prompt, or one that you lot have created yourself. For those who select this prompt, yous've already been given the do good of a wider variety of possible responses. The almost crucial thing to proceed in mind is to show understanding and individual insight in your writing.

The following are some suggestions for writing topics:

  • Pick a subject that you are very knowledgeable about. Writing will get much simpler as a result, and the topic will flow naturally without the demand to overthink or take chances feeling overwhelmed. You can also include a justification for why this field of study is significant. To demonstrate authenticity, the tactic is to offer personal insight.
  • Picking a topic that is difficult to write well-nigh can demonstrate to the judges your chapters for critical thought, just more than chiefly, it can be a good opportunity to offer astute personal insight. Avoiding extreme viewpoints and attempting to consider opposing points of view can be excellent means to demonstrate genuine concern and deep understanding.

Argumentative Essay

Prompt: "Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

It's crucial to have the capacity to adjust your viewpoint and your position on behavior and ideas, especially when faced with data that contradicts them. The key to being a strong, intelligent person capable of developing and changing for the better is the capacity to re-learn and confront outmoded viewpoints.

The 2022 Mutual App essay prompts of this type ask you to discuss times in your life when you had doubts well-nigh your behavior. The act of doing so is what makes yous grow.

Several subjects that can aid with this question are:

  • Recall a time when a friend, relative, or close companion vehemently disputed something you believed to be truthful. Journal your feel. Write well-nigh your conversation with this person and your feelings toward them. Write if this resulted in conflict between you lot ii or if it brought you closer together.
  • Recall a time when you learned information that challenged your preconceived notions and biases about a particular subject. Write about how it afflicted you and whether information technology had a positive or negative touch on you.

You'll also need to write supplemental essays for well-nigh colleges that enquire more than in-depth questions virtually the school or your background in improver to the Mutual Application essay. But every school on your list receives your Common App essay, which is frequently one of the outset things admissions officers look at.

The Common App essay is frequently your one and only take chances to brand a good first impression.

That means you need to come up with a lot of ideas; don't just choose the kickoff one that comes to mind. After that, you'll need to devote some serious time to write it, making sure that yous've produced a well-thought-out and compelling piece. Y'all should check Common App Essay examples to gain inspiration, besides.

Be prepared to write several drafts after that. To get this slice just correct, it takes time and effort. Remember about request someone who understands what admissions committees are looking for advice.

Last only not least, don't get discouraged by these prompts! With all these Common App essay examples, you lot might wonder how you are going to write your own. Only don't be concerned—everyone has a tale to tell.

The biggest and most of import issues are non required to be covered in your Common App essay. Most of the time, it's preferable if it doesn't. Instead, concentrate on what makes you special and different, then determine how to best convey that.

Check AdmissionSight's Common App Essay That Worked to check more than Common App Essay Examples and tips on how to make your essay noteworthy. You lot may also visit our site for college admissions consultation.


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Common App Essay #6 Examples,


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